Turkey - Trade unions united in fight for fair wages - January 31, 2020

Against the background of intolerably low wages in the Turkish metal industry, unions are joining forces to announce decisive industrial action. In a joint press conference, Ozcelik-Is, Birlesik Metal-Is and Turk Metal, the three Turkish trade unions organising workers in the metal industries, have announced industrial action to increase pressure in their negotiations with the Turkish employers’ organisation MESS. At present, wages in the metal industry are barely above the recently increased national minimum wage, as a result of high levels of inflation.

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For more information, please contact Paul de Beer or Oana Ciuca or Sjaak van der Velden, De Burcht (Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement) p.t.debeer@uva.nl or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Mehmet Koksal mkoksal@etui.org.
For previous full issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit www.etui.org/E-Newsletters/Collective-bargaining-newsletter or consult the archive with all articles in our database at www.cbnarchive.eu.
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