Decent Wage Bangladesh, Phase 1

Language Bengali, English
Title Decent Wage Bangladesh, Phase 1
Funded by Mondiaal FNV
Duration 2020
Goal Insight in actual wages, Cost of Living and Collective Agreements, in order to strengthen say of trade unions through improved Collective Agreements
Description The project proposed falls within the scope of the broad Theory of Change (TOC) Social Dialogue, as outlined in the TUC Application 2017-2020 policy paper. In its 4 themes or pathways of change are identified, along which change is to take place. These are Capacity Building, Knowledge & Research, Alliance Building and Lobby, Advocacy and Campaigns. Phase 1 of the present project seeks to contribute to knowledge of specific wage patterns, Cost of Living and quality of current Collective Agreements and issues through research on topics which are addressed by trade union counterparts of FNV in Bangladesh. More factual information about and better insights in these patterns and interrelationships is assumed to foster the capacity of the unions in promoting better pay, create alliances with likeminded stakeholders (such as ACT), and to strengthen their voice in lobby, advocacy and campaining. To do this work more effectively the unions want to know precisely the factual situation of the workers whose rights they are fighting for.
Countries in action Bangladesh
Lead Partner WageIndicator Foundation
Key actors Global Iftikhar Ahmad, Huub Bouma, Daniela Ceccon, Martin Guzi, Tomáš Kabina, Paulien Osse, Kea Tijdens.
Partners in Bangladesh Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies ( BIDS) - Minhaj Mahmud, Tahreen Chowdhury, Adib Ahmed
WageIndicator survey on wages & working conditions in an app, cost of living survey
Instruction Video's Cost of living Data collection - Wage and Working Conditions Survey
Data Visual 
Wages and Working Conditions in 4 Industries in Bangladesh, 2020

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