Work and Wages

This page was last updated on: 2023-04-06

Minimum Wage

The national guaranteed minimum wage for agricultural (SMIG) and non-agricultural workers (SMAG) is determined by Ministry of Labour. A decree is issued by the Ministry after consulting the National Labour and Social Security Council. Minimum wages higher than SMIG and SMAG are determined by joint committees covered by collective agreement. These rates may be extended further and become applicable to all the workers in concerned sector. These rates tend to establish the actual minimum rates applicable in practice. In the absence of collective bargaining agreements, orders of the Minister for Labour set minimum wage rates for different occupational categories.

Poverty line must be considered while determining minimum wage. Other factors that are taken into consideration to set minimum wage include needs of workers and their families and general economic conditions.

Minimum wage rates are determined separately for both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Through collective bargaining, wage rates are determined for other sectors as well. The minimum wage was last updated in 1996 through Decree No. 96-154 and it has not been revised thereafter.

Minimum wage compliance is regulated by a special organization: the National advisory council of Labour. Violation of the decrees set by articles 107 and 109 or of ministry decrees set by articles 89, 109, 134 of the Labour Code are punishable with fines from 5000 to 18000 francs CFA. (Art. 7 of Decree n. 62-017 of 10th February 1962)

Source: §80-86 & 109 of the Labour Code 1997; Decree No. 96-154 1996

For updated minimum wage rates, please refer to the section on minimum wage.

Regular Pay

The Labour Code regulates the payment of wages to all classes of workers. It requires an employer to make timely payment of remuneration to the employees. If a worker is hired for a day on a short assignment, he is to be paid wages at the end of that day. Similarly, if he is hired for a week, he should be paid wages at the end of that week. The wages should be paid, however, in legal tender. Wages must be paid during working hours. For a worker hired on hourly or daily basis, wages must be paid on a fortnightly basis. Similarly, if a worker is hired on monthly basis, he has to be paid at the end of every month. Monthly wages must be paid within 8 days after the end of the work. Weekly or fortnightly wages must be paid within 2 days or 4 days respectively at the end of work giving entitlement to wages.

Salaries are paid in legal tender at workplace. Payment slip is also provided. Generally, employer is not allowed to deduct wages except in cases provided by the law. Collective agreements authorizing any wage deductions other than those provided by the law are invalid. Payment of salary in a form of alcohol or alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

Source: §114-115 & 129-131 of the Labour Code 1997

Regulations on Work and Wages

  • Code du Travail, 1997 / The Labour Code, 1997
  • Décret n. 96-154 du 19 février 1996 fixant les salaires minima interprofessionnels et agricoles garantis / Decree on the interprofessional and agricultural minimum wages, n. 96-154, 1996
  • Décret n. 70-184 du 20 février 1970 fixant les modalités de rémunération des heures supplémentaires / Decree on the modalities of remuneration of overtime, n. 70-184, 1970
  • Décret n° 2006-1262 du 15 novembre 2006 modifiant l’article 11 du décret n° 70-183 du 20 février 1970, fixant le régime général des dérogations à la durée légale du Travail / Decree n. 2006-1262, 2006

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