Work and Wages

This page was last updated on: 2023-04-11

Minimum Wage

According to the Labour Code, all workers are entitled to a guaranteed minimum wage. The guaranteed minimum rate for an hour of work is determined by decree, after consulting the Consultative Commission of Labour and Social Laws.

The minimum wage, statutory or resulting from a collective agreement more favourable, is displayed in the same places as the interior regulations and at the staff payment places.

Wages are normally negotiated between the employer and the worker.

Compliance with labour laws including minimum wage provisions is guaranteed by the labour inspectors working under the labour inspection system. Non-compliance with minimum wage provision is punishable with  a fine of GNF100,000 to GNF500,000.

Source: §241 (7), 513 & 523(28) of the Labour Code of the Republic of Guinea 2014

For updated minimum wage rates, please refer to the section on minimum wage.

Regular Pay

Remuneration is the basic salary and all other benefits and accessories, bonuses and allowances of any kind paid directly or indirectly, in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker in view of the employment of the latter.

Wages must be paid regularly and in legal tender.

In accordance with the Labour Code, an employer is obliged to pay wages at least once a month to the workers and beneficiaries of collective labour agreement; or twice a month with interval not exceeding fifteen (15) days for workers who are engaged for a fortnight or less. For workers engaged on piece-work, if the work lasts more than a fortnight, timing of payment can be set by mutual agreement however workers must get fortnightly installments and should receive full payment within two weeks of the delivery of work.

The payment of the wage, wholly or partially, in the form of alcohol or drugs is forbidden. Salary paid in kind, partially, serves the personal use of the worker and her/his family and it is according to her/his interest; the value attributed to these benefits must be fair and reasonable.

Source: §241 (2) of the Labour Code of the Republic of Guinea 2014

Regulations on Work and Wages

  • Code du Travail de la République de la Guinée, 1988 (amendé en 1991) / Labour Code of the Republic of Guinea, 1988 (amended in 1991)

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