Covid-19: Effect on Garment Industry and Flower farms in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Uganda

Title Corona Work Life Company Survey
Language Bahasa, English
Duration Start May/June 2020 - till 31 December 2020
Goal Create relevant, reliable data. Fast. Data which can be used by trade unions/employers to improve the situations at company level, with the help of governments and/or the (international) branch organizations.
Description In times of the Coronacrisis it is important to have insight in what exactly happens in the factories/farms which we know from the DecentWorkCheck projects in Ethiopia, Indonesia and Uganda (Garment and Flowers). A specially designed Corona Company Survey will provide insight on a weekly basis. What EXACTLY happens at company level in terms of employment and health and safety? This data will be shown 24/7 in the so called factory/farm pages, and in graphs. This data can be used by trade unions to negotiate improvements.
Countries in action Ethiopia, Indonesia, Uganda
Funder Mondiaal FNV
Key actors For Ethiopia: Team and NFFPFAITU; in Uganda  the Horticultural and Industrial Service Providers Allied Workers' Union UHISPAWU, and the national employers association FUE. In Indonesia the Team, TURC and KSBSI / Garteks / Serikat Pekerja Nasional (SPN)/ TSK – SPSI AGN/  TSK – SPSI Rekonsiliasi
Websites ,
Data Visual Ethiopia - Garment Ethiopia - Garment and Covid - 19
Data Visual Ethiopia - Flowers Ethiopia - Flowers and Covid - 19
Data visual Indonesia - Garment  Indonesia - Garment and Covid - 19
Data Visual Uganda - Flowers Uganda - Flowers and Covid - 19
Videos Ethiopia Garment Playlist Youtube
Videos Ethiopia Flowers Playlist Youtube
Videos Indonesia Garment Playlist Youtube
Videos Uganda Flowers Playlist Youtube
Related projects  For living Wages in the Garment Sector in Ethiopia
  How decent is my Flower Farm - Ethiopia and Uganda
  How decent is my Factory?  Phase 2 - Indonesia Garment


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