EU Sources - Working conditions for European platform workers - September 30, 2018

A Eurofound report explores the working and employment conditions of three of the most common types of platform work in Europe. Based on interviews with platform workers, the physical and social environment of platform work, autonomy, employment status and access to social protection, and earnings and taxation are assessed. A comparative analysis of the regulatory frameworks applying to platform work in 18 EU Member States accompanies this review. It looks into workers’ employment status, the formal relationships between clients, workers and platforms, and the organisation and representation of workers and platforms. Key findings include that European countries do not regulate the employment status of platform workers. Although the workers have limited control over their working time and the organisation of their work, they are often considered as self-employed and therefore lack social protection.

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For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers or Sanne van der Gaag, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Willy De Backer © ETUI

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