Switzerland -Cement workers act at shareholder meeting -April 13, 2015

May 17, 2015 - The union main demands are job security for at least 2 years in the new group and in units that are sold plus a few other basics...

The international and European trade union federations BWI, IndustriAll and EFBWW mobilised workers during a Holcim Annual general meeting in Hallenstadion in Zurich. Shareholders were met with a union manifestation outside the meeting hall. The unions spoke about workers’ concerns and demands, which remain neglected in the mega-merger between the two cement world leaders Holcim and Lafarge. The union demands are job security for at least 2 years in the new group and in units that are sold, observance of information and consultation procedures, negotiations on a new EWC and a new Global Framework Agreement, social dialogue at all levels.

English: http://www.bwint.org/default.asp?Index …  

http://www.industriall-union.org/unions-bring-workers-demands-to-holcim-shareholders …  


For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) cbn-aias@uva.nl or the communications officer at the ETUI, Mariya Nikolova mnikolova@etui.org. For previous issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit http://www.etui.org/E-Newsletters/Collective-bargaining-newsletter. You may find further information on the ETUI at www.etui.org, and on the AIAS at www.uva-aias.net.

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