Bulgaria -Labour code changes disputed -February 17, 2014

The government has submitted a draft bill which, if passed, would weaken workers’ rights and social protection. The major changes were inspired by a set of proposals put forward by representatives of employers’ organisations. The trade unions in particular denounce the plans to revise the regulations governing relationships between employers, workers and supervisory bodies, and attempts to deregulate the labour market further. Furthermore the unions fear the acceleration of the development of temporary work agencies and increase of precarious work.

English: http://www.industriall-union.org/bulgarian-unions-react ...


For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) cbn-aias@uva.nl or the communications officer at the ETUI, Mariya Nikolova mnikolova@etui.org. For previous issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit http://www.etui.org/E-Newsletters/Collective-bargaining-newsletter. You may find further information on the ETUI at www.etui.org, and on the AIAS at www.uva-aias.net.

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