Minimum Wage – Togo

  • Valid on july 2024
  • The amounts are in CFA West African Franc.

Job Type

Minimum Wage per Month from to
Manual worker - E1
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2023 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/15/24
F CFA52,500 -

Working hours

  • Minimum wages are based on 40 hours per week (Art. 32a of the Convention Collective Interprofessionnelle).


E1 - Unskilled Worker.
E2 - Guardian, Security agent, Communication officer, Warehouseman/woman, Miller, Pig-keeper, Cattleman, Doorman, Valet, Unskilled labour (promoted).
E3 - Labourer assistant, Auxillary salaes assistant, Polycopieur, Timekeeper, Pump attendant, Launderer, Gardener, E2 promoted.
E4 - Qualified security officer, specialized worker (bricklayer, electrician, carpenter, painter, cook ...), cashier, salesman, typist, data entry operator, switchboard operator, caregiver, driver (category A, B, C) , Store Clerk, Office Clerk, Concierge, E3 Agent promoted.
E5 - Office worker with CEPE / CEPD + 2 years experience, Transit agent (storage, consignment, customs declaration), Driver (licences D, E), E4 promoted.
E6 - Assistant archivist; assistant librarian, Assistant accountant, Office worker with CAP, CEPE/CPD + 3 years of vocational training, BEPC, E5 promoted, BAC I (general education), BEPCM BEP-SDC.
M1 - BAC II (general education), Archivist, Librarian, E6 promoted.
M2- BEPC + 3 years of vocational training, ENA degree cycle 1, Technical BAC (G1, G2,G3, F1), technician's certificate, M1 promoted.
M3 - DEUG (General University Degree), M2 promoted.
M4 - BAC+ 3 years of academic studies or equivalent degree, BAC + 2 years of vocational training (BTS,DUT or equivalent degree, M3 promoted.
C1 - Bac + 3 years of professional training (Professional License), Diploma of the National School of Administration (ENA Cycle II) and the Training Center of the Professions of Justice or equivalent diploma, Holder of a master's degree or any other diploma equivalent (Bac + 4 years of academic studies), Agent of the category M4 promoted, Engineer works.
C2 - Bac + 4 years of vocational training or equivalent degree, Master's degree research, C1 promoted.
C3 - ENA degree Cycle III or equivalent degree, DESS (University Post Graduate degree), Professional master's degree, degree in engineering, C2 promoted.
C4 - Doctorate or equivaent degree, Managing Director, C3 promoted.

Other "recommended minimum wages" for different levels of education and skills are set in the Annexe II of the Convention Collective Interprofessionnelle.


Minimum wage (one for all sectors) was fixed in the Convention Collective Interprofessionnelle, which was signed by National Employers Council and trade unions confederation members, and was approved by the Ministry for Labour in December 2011.

With the Convention Collective Interprofessional, which came into force in January 2012, minimum wage by law has been set at 35000 francs CFA per month. This rate is applicable for the year 2015 as well.

More information is available at

Minimum Wages - Togo - Archive

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