Minimum Wage – Nova Scotia

  • Valid on july 2024
  • The amounts are in Canadian Dollar.

Job category

Per Hour
General workers
Minimum wage with effect from April 1, 2024 Minimum Wages - last checked - 3/31/24
Construction, property maintenance work**
Minimum wage with effect from April 1, 2024 Minimum Wages - last checked - 3/31/24
Logging or forest operation***
Minimum wage with effect from April 1, 2024 Minimum Wages - last checked - 3/31/24


  • For inexperienced employees, i.e., a person who has not been employed for more than three months by any employer to do the work for which he/she is presently employed.
    * For employees employed in construction, property maintenance work and related activities.
    ** For employees in a logging or forest operation (A monthly rate is set at $2162 for employees who have no fixed work week or whose hours are unverifiable.)

Unless specified otherwise, minimum wage rates for young workers are the same as for adult workers

On April 1 of each year, this rate is adjusted by the percentage change in the projected annual Consumer Price Index for Canada in the preceding calendar year, rounded to the nearest $0.05.

Wages per month are calculated as 4.33 times if a weekly wage is defined. It is calculated as 4.33 times the standard hours per week if an hourly wage is given.

More information is available at

Minimum Wages - Canada - Archive

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