Subscription of WageIndicator Database

Annual Subscription of the WageIndicator Database

Number of Users

Global Database* Global Database in Context* Global Database in Context + Living Income*
Up to 5 users € 14,250 € 19,250 € 23,750
6 - 10 users € 17,100 € 23,100 € 28,500
11 - 20 users € 19,238 € 25,988 € 32,063
21 - 30 users € 20,663 € 27,913 € 34,438
31 - 40 users € 21,375 € 28,875 € 35,625
Beyond 40 users € 21,731 € 29,356 € 36,219

Three-year Subscription of the WageIndicator Database

Number of Users

Global Database* Global Database in Context* Global Database in Context + Living Income*
Up to 5 users € 34,750 € 47,400 € 58,425
6 - 10 users € 41,700 € 56,880 € 70,110
11 - 20 users € 46,913 € 63,990 € 78,874
21 - 30 users € 50,388 € 68,730 € 84,716
31 - 40 users € 52,125 € 71,100 € 87,638
Beyond 40 users € 52,994 € 72,285 € 89,098

* Data access

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