United Kingdom - Pay rise for Airport workers - April 30, 2024

Trade union Unite has secured a pay deal for around 60 cleaners employed by ABM based at Glasgow Airport. The pay deal will raise basic pay to £ 12.10 (€ 14.10) per hour effective from April 2024 up from £ 11 (€ 12.81) per hour in the previous year, which represents a 10% pay rise. Night shift pay will also increase to £ 12.90 (€ 15.03) from £ 11.50 (€ 13.40) an hour which is the equivalent to a 12.2% rise in the shift rate. The pay deal was overwhelmingly accepted by Unite members and represents a victory for the ABM cleaners in a long-running union campaign to have basic pay levels sustained above the real living wage level.

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For more information, please contact Paul de Beer or Oana Ciuca, De Burcht (Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement) p.t.debeer@uva.nl or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Mehmet Koksal mkoksal@etui.org. For previous full issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit https://www.etui.org/Newsletters/Collective-bargaining-newsletter or consult the archive with all articles in our database at www.cbnarchive.eu.
You may find further information on the ETUI at www.etui.org.

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