Turkey - New employment data - March 31, 2024

According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the country experienced its lowest unemployment rate in a decade in 2023, with figures dropping to 9.4% from 10.4% in 2022. Compared to 2022, the number of unemployed aged 15 or older decreased by 318,000 to 3.26 million.The unemployment rate among men was 7.7%, while it was 12.6% among women. The employment rate also increased in 2023, reaching 48.3%, marking an increase by 0.8% compared to the previous year.

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For more information, please contact Paul de Beer or Oana Ciuca, De Burcht (Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement) p.t.debeer@uva.nl or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Mehmet Koksal mkoksal@etui.org. For previous full issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit https://www.etui.org/Newsletters/Collective-bargaining-newsletter or consult the archive with all articles in our database at www.cbnarchive.eu.
You may find further information on the ETUI at www.etui.org.

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