ILPC2023 Conference: Stabilizing the value of labour via compliance mechanisms: evidence from Ethiopia and Indonesia - April 13, 2023

This event is a side session that will take place during the ILPC2023 Conference in Glasgow: Stabilizing the value of labour via compliance mechanisms: evidence from Ethiopia and Indonesia.

THursday 13 April 2023

10.45hr - 12.15hr CET 

This event is a side session that will take place during the ILPC2023 Conference in Glasgow from 13-15 April 2023. A paper by Marta Kahancová, Daniela Ceccon and Gashaw Tesfa on "Stabilizing the value of labour via compliance mechanisms: evidence from Ethiopia and Indonesia" will be presented during the Special Stream 2. 

Special stream 2: Labour and/as value in the context of a global crisis: ethnographic insights and the constrcution of value across the labour process. 

View the presentation given on the paper by Marta Kahancová, Daniela Ceccon and Gashaw Tesfa on "Stabilizing the value of labour via compliance mechanisms: evidence from Ethiopia and Indonesia".

Labour and/as value in the context of a global crisis: ethnographic insights and the constrcution of value across the labour process


Jiazhi Fengjiang and Markéta Dolezalová 

Mika Bartosz

Emotional labour in a massage parlour. Control of feelings in contact with the human body. 

Sumit Manderna, Vaishinavi Gautam & Anuratha Venkataraman

Digital Labour in the Neo-liberal Gig-Economy: A critical perspective of employment relations

Orin Starn & Suraj Telange

Labouring for Amazon: Ethnographic Perspectives from India and the United States. 

Marta Kahancová, Daniela Ceccon & Gashaw Tesfa on

Stabilizing the value of labour via compliance mechanisms: Evidence from Ethiopia and Indonesia

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