WageIndicator Conference - August 26-28, 2013, Amsterdam.


The Program

De Burcht
Henri Polaklaan 9
The Netherlands

Directions from Hotel Eden to location 

Dress code: the coolest fashion from your capital


August 26

10.00 Arrival
10.30 Welcome & Introduction:
Paulien Osse, Director WageIndicator Foundation.


Paul de Beer, Chairperson WageIndicator Foundation, Director University Amsterdam/AIAS.
Celebration of WageIndicator 12.5 years.
11.00-11.45 Collective Agreements online
  Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) database. Where are the CBA's? What do they look like? How to get them online, coded per clause and retrievable? The crazy story of the first mover. 12 countries and many more to come.
Ernest Tingum, Arcade Ndoricimpa (University Dar es Salaam),
Dani Ceccon (Web Manager, WageIndicator).
  All CBA's in a box, and then what? Good for trade unions, workers, academics or for all?
Paulo de Valle (DIEESE, Brasil).

Collective bargaining under attack from employers, governments and international institutions; the case for a renewed struggle for fundamental rights.
Sharan Burrow, General Secretary ITUC, Special Advisor to the WageIndicator Foundation.


What will be the effect of one global database with all CBA's online?
Richard Freeman (Harvard Law School),
Sanjay Pinto (Columbia University).

11.45-12.45 Legal Helpdesk, Compliance & Mobile Judge
  How to make work better, safer with the Mobile Judge? 100 cases per month!
Egidio Vaz Raposo (Meusalario.org/Mocambique)
Ernesto Martinho Antonio (Mobile Judge, Miramar TV).

Legal helpdesk online and compliance cases offline. How does it work and what is the effect?
Darta Pakpahan (trade union confederation, KSBSI)
Nadia Pralitasari (Web Manager, Gajimu.com, Indonesia).

  Answering hundreds of questions online about salaries of domestic workers and sexual harassment. Does it help?
Karen Rutter (Web Manager, Mywage.co.za, South Africa).
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 Informality Index
  What is an Informality Index? How do you categorise what others can't see?
Kea Tijdens (Coordinator, WageIndicator research, University of Amsterdam/AIAS).
  The advantage of an informality scale: what is the use?
Godius Kahyarara (University Dar es Salaam).

How to use the informality scale?
Alastaire Alinsato (University of Abomey, Calavi, Benin).

14.30-15.30 Minimum Wage & Living Wage
  The effect of presenting online minimum wage and living wage. Is the result higher wages or more reasonable wages for more people?
Martin Kahanec (Central European University, Budapest, Director Celsi, WageIndicator Office Bratislava).
  What is minimum wage? What is living wage? How to calculate? How to improve dodgy numbers?
Martin Guzi (Institute for study of labour - Bonn, Celsi, WageIndicator Office Bratislava).

The effect of a Collective Agreement on your salary. 

Heiner Dribbusch, (Lohnspiegel.de, Institute of Economic and Social Research, WSI)

15.30-15.45 Break
15.45-16.30 Mini Social Dialogues
  Results of debates from Kenya.
Jane Masta (COTU, trade unions)
Lineth Oyugi (FKE, employers).

Results of mini social dialogues from Costa Rica and El Salvador.
Jhonathan Monge (CMTC, trade unions, Costa Rica)
Magdalena Marmol (CATS, trade union, El Salvador)

Angelica Flores, (WageIndicator manager Latin America).

  Results of mini social dialogue from Ghana.
Charles Asante-Bempong (GEA employers)
Mary Togbe (trade union GTUC)
Eben Aidoo (trade union GFL).
16.30-18.00 WageIndicator Future, a Debate.
  Chaired by:
Thimon de Jong, Kees Elands (Trendsactive).
Wageindicator: a global 'trade union'?
  Effect of WageIndicator in numbers.
Irene van Beveren (Global content manager & SEO specialist, WageIndicator).
  LinkedIn and WageIndicator: a match?
Lena Olivier (Director LinkedIn).
  What is work? Rethinking the concept of labour.
Isabelle Ferreras
(Belgian National Science Foundation, Brussels, Economic School of Louvain, Harvard Law School).
Sanjay Pinto (Columbia University).
18.00-22.00 Drinks, Dinner and Dance



August 27

09.00-09.15 Introduction to Workshops
09.15-11.00 Media plan for your WageIndicator operation, Part 1. Media Mapping.
Conducted by Porter Novelli.

Lorena Ponce de León, Angelica Flores, Karen Rutter, Dani Ceccon, Irene van Beveren, Rana Medhat, Khushi Mehta, Nadia Pralitasari, Maria Holecyova.

09.15-11.00 Collective agreements online, Part 1
How to measure overtime? How to compare clauses? How to compare Labour Law & CBA? (French/English)
Participants: Ernest Tingum, Paulo Valle, Katinka van den Akker, Kea Tijdens, Huub Bouma.

Job satisfaction and working conditions
WEBDATANET (English/Spanish).

  Scientific structure, applied economics and WageIndicator
Pablo de Pedraza (University of Salamanca).
  Life satisfaction of Brazilian workers according to WageIndicator data.
Pablo de Pedraza (University of Salamanca)
Matin Guzi (IZA/Celsi, WageIndicator office Bratislava).
  Informal work in sub-Saharan Africa according to WageIndicator data.
Janna Besamusca, Kea Tijdens (University of Amsterdam/AIAS)
11.00-12.45 Media plan for your WageIndicator operation, Part 2. The Story.
Conducted by Porter Novelli.
Lorena Ponce de León, Angelica Flores, Karen Rutter, Dani Ceccon, Irene van Beveren, Rana Medhat, Khushi Mehta, Nadia Pralitasari, Maria Holecyova.
11.00-12.45 Collective agreements online, Part 2. (French/English)
How to use the CBA's online for negotiations?
Chaired by Ernest Tingum (University Dar es Salaam), Dani Ceccon:
Noel Chadare (COSI, Benin), Sebastian Tevi (CSTT, Togo), Barra Ndour (UDTS, Senegal), Lineth Oyugi (FKE, Kenya), Darta Pakpahan (KSBSI, Indonesia), Juan Carlos Vargas (Plades, Peru).
11.00-12.45 How to measure individual wages correctly?
  Is the non-response in the WageIndicator questionnaire biased?
Stephanie Steinmetz (University of Amsterdam/AIAS), Anna Maria Bianchi (University of Bergamo).
  Wage differences between the standard and mini surveys.
Tomas Mamrilla, Martin Kahanac (Celsi, WageIndicator office Bratislava).
  Wage differences between the standard and face-to-face surveys.
Kea Tijdens, Stephanie Steinmetz (University of Amsterdam/AIAS).
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Minimum wage and  living wage, Part 1. 
WEBDATANET (English/French).
  Minimum wage structures on five continents.
Maarten van Klaveren (UvA/AIAS)
  Poverty line, minimum wage, living wage.  
Martin Guzi (IZA/Celsi, WageIndicator office Bratislava)
14.00-15.30 Mobile judge, legal helpdesk, Part 1
How to advise better/cheaper/faster and solve more cases?
Iftikhar Ahmad (DecentWorkChecks, WageIndicator office, Islamabad), Karen Rutter (Web Manager, Mywage.co.za), Leontine Bijleveld (Online helpdesk, Loonwijzer.nl), Ernesto Martinho Antonio (Mobile Judge, Miramar TV), Darta Pakpahan (Gajimu.com, KSBSI, Indonesia).
15.30-15.45 Break

Minimum wage & living wage, Part 2 (French/English).
How to get a good minimum wage structure in your country?
Martin Guzi (IZA/Celsi WageIndicator Bratislava office), Maarten van Klaveren (University of Amsterdam),  Douglas Opio (FUE, Uganda), Africain Biraboneye (CESTRAR, Rwanda), Oscar Mkude (ATE, Tanzania) and others.

15.45-17.00 Mobile judge, legal helpdesk, Part 2
Recommendations for WageIndicator and trade union/employers. 
Iftikhar Ahmad (DecentWorkChecks, WageIndicator office, Islamabad), Karen Rutter (Web Manager, Mywage.co.za), Leontine Bijleveld (Online helpdesk, Loonwijzer.nl), Ernesto Martinho Antonio (Mobile Judge, Miramar TV), Darta Pakpahan (Gajimu.com, KSBSI, Indonesia).
15.45-17.00 Tackling drop-out rates in the WageIndicator web survey
  Drop out rates and the argument for reducing the number of survey questions.
Brian Fabo (Celsi, WageIndicator office Bratislava)
  Can time stamp analyses show the bottlenecks in web surveys?
Ioannis Andreadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
  Instant feedback reports to individual survey respondents
Duco Dokter (developer WageIndicator), Tomas Mamrilla (Celsi, Bratislava office WageIndicator)
  Effect of collective feed back reports in Germany.
Fikret Öz (IAT researcher, Lohnspiegel.de)
15.45-17.00 Finance, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation (PME), 
Bilateral meetings  Tendayi Matimba, Karen Kammeraat.
18.00 Bus to dinner from De Burcht, all.
18.00-21.00 Drinks, Dinner, Dance.



August 28

08.00-09.00 Annual report and work plan. Meeting for WageIndicator management only.
Chair: Paulien Osse.
Offices Ahmedabad  (Khushi Mehta), Bratislava (Marta Kahancova), Buenos Aires (Lorena Ponce de Leon), Capetown (Karen Rutter), Dar es Salaam (Oscar Mkude/ Godius Kahyarara), Islamabad (Iftikhar Ahmad), London (Irene van Beveren), Maputo (Egidio Vaz Raposo), Mexico City (Angelica Flores), Minsk (Taisa Bandarenka).
09.00-09.15 Welcome & introduction to workshops, continued
09.15-11.00 Media plan for your WageIndicator Operation - Part 3. Sell the story.
Conducted by Porter Novelli.
Lorena Ponce de León, Angelica Flores, Karen Rutter, Dani Ceccon, Irene van Beveren, Rana Medhat, Khushi Mehta, Nadia Pralitasari, Maria Holecyova.
09.15-11.00 Smart PME reporting - Part 1. (English/French) Karen Kammeraat (specialist), Tendayi Matimba (WageIndicator Finance).

Improving the Salary Check.  

Participants: Martin Guzi, Matej Bastak (WageIndicator office Bratislava) , Douglas Opio, Hossam Hussein, Sebastian Tevi, Noel Chadare, Barra Ndour and others. Recommendations.

11.15-12.45 Media plan for your WageIndicator operation, Part 4. Write your media plan.
Conducted by Porter Novelli.
Lorena Ponce de León, Angelica Flores, Karen Rutter, Dani Ceccon, Irene van Beveren, Rana Medhat, Khushi Mehta, Nadia Pralitasari, Maria Holecyova.
11.15-12.45 Finance, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation (PME) - Part 2. (English/French), Karen Kammeraat (specialist), Tendayi Matimba (WageIndicator Finance).

11.15-12.45 The outcome of mini social dialogues (French/English). Does the same strategy work in West and East Africa, Latin America, Asia?
Noel Chadare, Darta Pakpahan, Jhonathan Monge, Eben Aidoo, Jane Masta, Oscar Mkude and others.
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Improving the DecentWorkCheck, creating a contract shop online, using DecentWorkCheck as a certification tool. Participants: Iftikhar Ahmad (WageIndicator office, Islamabad), Data Pakpahan, Gianina Milagros Echevarria,  and others.
14.00-15.30 Project meeting 'Enabling Social Dialogue'. 
Chair: Karen Kammeraat.
Teams: Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda. 
15.30-15.45 Break
15.45-17.00 Project meeting 'Labour Rights for Women'.
Chair: Paulien Osse.
Teams: Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Pakistan, Peru, Tanzania, Uganda
18.00 Dinner



August 29

10.00-17.00 Finalising module mini social dialogue
  Finalising media marketing plans
  Training marketing & moderating debates
  Bilateral meetings finance and PME


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