Tijdens, K.G. (2021) Platform Workers In Argentina, India, Netherlands, South Africa And Spain. Codebook and Explanatory Note. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation.

Tijdens, K.G. (2021) Platform Workers In Argentina, India, Netherlands, South Africa And Spain. Codebook and Explanatory Note. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation.

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The project Platform Workers: Decent Rights & Pay aimed to collect information to fill knowledge gaps in the area of rights and pay, for the benefit of platform workers in the Netherlands and abroad. While the platform economy is growing rapidly, knowledge about income and legal positions of platform workers lags behind, both among policy makers and platform workers themselves. Systematically gathered knowledge is needed to achieve improvements, preferably in dialogue with platform workers and their representatives. This includes collective bargaining agreements, contracts, remuneration systems, legislation and, a survey of platform workers in five countries, using the WageIndicator survey infrastructure and methodology. Information about the project can be found here, including data visuals and information about the webinar organized on behalf of the project: https://wageindicator.org/Wageindicatorfoundation/projects/platform-workers-decent-rights-pay

This codebook describes the details of the survey. Appendix 1 lists all questions and answers and their IDs. Appendix 2 lists all variables from the questionnaire as well as all variables generated from data in the questionnaire. Appendix 3 lists the codes of the country of residence and the country of birth of respondents.

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