Minimum Wages in Tripura

Paycheck. in - Find here the minimum wages for Tripura per scheduled employment, category of workers, per day in Rupees.
Sr. No.Scheduled EmploymentCategory of
Total Minimum
Wages per Day
(in Rs)
1 Agriculture Adult 100
2 Brick Manufacturing Unskilled 85
3 Construction or Maintenance of
Roads or Building Operations
Highly skilled 136
Skilled 120
Semi Skilled 102
Unskilled 85
4 Mechanical Workshop Highly skilled 251.54
Skilled 120.54
Semi Skilled 98.08
Unskilled 98.08
5 Petrol Pump Skilled 88.27
Semi skilled 73.15
Unskilled 69.08
6 Public Motor Transport* Peon/Other Class-IV 59.04
Time Keeper 63.15
Mail Runner 76.19
Booking Clerk 75.54
Inspector/Ticket Checker 78.04
Head Clerk/Accountant 83.96
Asstt./Handyman/Cleaner 54.96
Asstt./Handyman/Cleaner (Heavy Vehicle) 73.42
Conductor 76.04
Driver Light vehicle 85.85
Medium 90.73
Heavy 132.92
7 Rice Mill Hallerman/Machineman 98.08
8 Rubber Plantation Field Workers (Adult) 62
Tappers/Processing 67
9 Shops and Establishments Higly Skilled 117.96
Semi skilled 105.5
Unskilled 96.15
10 Beedi Industry (rolling 1000 beedies) 65
11 Tea Plantation Unskilled (includes supply of rice and atta) 38
12 Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing 21 mm to 40 mm Chips 5
11 mm to 20 mm Chips 7.25
0 mm to 10 mm Chips 10.5
13 Private Teaching Institute/
Coaching Schools
Senior Daptri/Helper/Group D Staff 65.77
Clerical Staff 103.85
Teacher 103.85
Headmaster/Teacher 173.08
Primary (Up to Class-V)
Daptri/Helper/Rickshaw P 65.77
Clerical Staff 86.54
Teacher 90
Headmaster/Teacher 103.85
Daptri/Helper/Rickshaw 65.77
Clerical Staff 86.54
Teacher 86.54
Headmaster/Teacher 100
14 Auto Rikshaw# Driver 57.69
15 Safai Karamchari 85

*The rates include Allowances.

# Food allowance at Rs.51/- only per diem.

Minimum Wage Rates last updated by Paycheck India on November 12, 2009

Definition: Unskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled & Highly Skilled Workers

Source: Department of Labour and Employment, Government of India

Disclaimer: Minimum Wages have been provided by the Labour Departments of respective states.
All efforts have been made to update the minimum wage data on a regular basis.However, there
might be unforeseen errors.

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