Minimum Wage – Production of natural flowers and ornamental and medicinal plants

  • Valid on july 2024
  • The amounts are in US Dollar.

Position / Activity

Per month
Irrigation supervisor - B1 - Irrigation area
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23
Head of postharvest - B2 - Postharvest area
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23
Irrigation operator - C3 - Irrigation area
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23
Postharvest supervisor - D1 - Postharvest area
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23
Crop Supervisor - D1 - Cultivation Area
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23
Maintenance Supervisor - D1 - Maintenance area - natural flowers
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23
Agro worker: sorter, stems cutter, embelchador, mallero, skater, tag striker, boarding agent, coachman, harvester, shower irrigation, plastic change, compost, lawn mower, bed lifting, packer, interior cleaning and outside, fumigator, punctured and desyeme; and other cultural tasks - E2 - Postharvest area
Minimum wage with effect from January 1, 2022 Minimum Wages - last checked - 1/1/23


Official Register No. 414 - Supplement Friday, January 25, 2019

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