Netherlands - Two-year deal for mental health workers - July 15, 2009

The three unions, ABVAKABO FNV, CNV Publieke Zaak and NU'91 have negotiated a new 24-month collective agreement for the mental health care sector in a difficult bargaining environment, with the government willing to cut the health budget.

There will be a 1% pay increase on 1 October 2009 and another 1% on 1 August 2010. The year-end bonus payment will be worth 5.25% of salary in 2009 and 5.75% of salary in 2010, while there will also be a 0.65% lump sum payment. New flexible working hours' arrangements will be introduced, along with improved work-life balance provisions that will allow employees to use or save an extra 35 hours of leave.

Netherlands - Two-year deal for mental health workers at

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