Austria - Union calls for negotiations over underpaid wages - July 15, 2009

The GPA-DJP trade union has called on the Red Cross to negotiate over how to pay wages owed to around 200 workers. For many years the Red Cross's blood donation service has made errors in its wage calculations, failing to pay correct overtime payments and other allowances.

It is estimated that the 200 workers are owed around Euro 2 million. The union says that the Red Cross is trying to resolve the issue through individual discussions with workers, giving them a tight deadline to accept offers of payment below what they are really entitled to.

Austria - Union calls for negotiation over underpaid wages at

Gehaltsnachzahlungen: Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz setzt Beschäftigte massiv unter Druck, GPA-djp verlangt Gesprächstermin und einvernehmliche Lösung at

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