Lithuania - Strike announced at fertiliser company - January 31, 2022

A strike at Achema, a producer of nitrogen fertiliser and chemicals, began on 8 February, following a unanimous decision by the Achema Workers’ Trade Union Council. For several years, trade union LPSK has been trying to engage in a constructive dialogue with the company’s management and has taken all possible measures to reach a peaceful settlement. Currently, there is no collective agreement, and the Labour Inspectorate is investigating possible violations of the workers’ rest and working time arrangements. Additional tension is also caused by the employer’s unilaterally adopted remuneration system. The union demands a two-year collective agreement and an annual review of pay rates.

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For more information, please contact Paul de Beer or Oana Ciuca, De Burcht (Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement) or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Mehmet Koksal For previous full issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit or consult the archive with all articles in our database at
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