United Kingdom - Strike actions expected at Luton airport - January 31, 2019

Baggage handlers and check-in staff of Luton airport are to stage a series of one-hour strikes in a dispute over security and an imposed pay freeze. The Transport and General Workers Union said the stoppages were being ordered in protest of cuts in security jobs at the airport which it claimed posed a threat to safety. According to the union 590 jobs would be lost under cost-cutting plans instead of the originally proposed 200, the union sees this as an alarming development for the security at the airport. Last month the cleaners at Luton airport also went on strike (see our December newsletter). The cleaners won a 5% wage increase for day shift workers and a 6% pay increase for cleaners who work night shifts.

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For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers or Sanne van der Gaag, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) cbn-aias@uva.nl or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Willy De Backer wdebacker@etui.org © ETUI

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