Italy - Gig economy: riders get permanent contracts with rights and protections - June 1, 2019

After months of negotiations trade unions have signed an agreement with the Laconsegna food delivery platform that gives their riders a permanent contract with rights and protections. This is the first agreement in the country that governs subordinate work for riders. The agreement recognizes riders as subordinate workers with the right to apply the national contract, get the hours they actually worked paid instead of being paid not on the basis of deliveries and recognition of the rights and protections that are assigned to all workers in the sector such as paid vacation and sick leave. Trade unions expressed their hopes that the agreement reached with the food delivery platform will lead the way to other agreements that protect the rights of workers in the gig economy.

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For more information, please contact Sanne van der Gaag or Sjaak van der Velden, De Burcht (Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement) or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Steve Coulter For previous full issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit or consult the archive with all articles in our database at You may find further information on the ETUI at

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