Belgium - Increasing number of young workers on long-term sick leave - June 1, 2019

Partena Professional consultancy studied long-term illness of workers. Contrary to popular belief it is not the 50+ age group that are responsible for the increase in long-term sick leave. No, it is young people aged 25 to 44, women and employees of businesses with more than 199 workers who are more prone to long-term illnesses. These groups all showed big increases in sick-leave since 2014. Young people complain of work overload and pressure in their private lives.

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For more information, please contact Sanne van der Gaag or Sjaak van der Velden, De Burcht (Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement) or the Head of communications at the ETUI, Steve Coulter For previous full issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit or consult the archive with all articles in our database at You may find further information on the ETUI at

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