Lithuania -Effort to reach consensus on new national agreement -October 12, 2012

The national agreement, which was signed between the government and social partners in October 2009, expired at the end of 2010. Attempts to initiate the signing of a new agreement in 2011 were unsuccessful. In July 2012, a new version of the agreement was prepared and presented at the sitting of the Tripartite Council. However, the trade unions were of the opinion that it was only of benefit to businesses. The unions presented their own draft version with the addition to its long-term objectives of, among other things, the creation of a social welfare state.



For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) or the communications officer at the ETUI, Mariya Nikolova For previous issues of the Collective bargaining newsletter please visit You may find further information on the ETUI at, and on the AIAS at

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