Italy -Foreign language lecturers fight for their rights -June 18, 2012

A group of non-tenure foreign language teachers, instructing university students in their mother tongue, has reiterated its longstanding demands for equal treatment. The so-called ‘lettori’, all of them foreigners, have repeatedly claimed (and proved in court) that their separate treatment is discriminatory and a violation of single market legislation. Hoping for Prime Minister Monti’s sympathy as a former EU Commissioner, the group has re-launched its campaign.

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This article was published in the Collective Bargaining Newsletter. It aims to facilitate information exchange between trade unions and to support the work of ETUC's collective bargaining committee. For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) or the communications officer at the ETUI, Mariya Nikolova All rights reserved. The ETUI is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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