Belgium -Social plan Bekaert reduces forced lay offs by half -April 27, 2012

Steel cord company Bekaert, the largest in the world, announced in February it would cut 1250 jobs in China and 600 in Belgium. After unions and company representatives concluded the first agreement in March, as reported in last month’s CBN, a social plan was concluded and approved by the union members on 27 April. In the social plan, the maximum number of forced lay offs is set at 324 (previously 609). The reduction of redundancies will be done by leveraging internal mutations, a framework agreement for employees who leave voluntarily, no renewing of temporary contracts and an early retirement scheme (from 52 years).

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This article was published in the Collective Bargaining Newsletter. It aims to facilitate information exchange between trade unions and to support the work of ETUC's collective bargaining committee. For more information, please contact the editor Jan Cremers, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) or the communications officer at the ETUI, Mariya Nikolova All rights reserved. The ETUI is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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