Salary Survey and Salary Check - Data Collection Overview

 General Database Information

Full name

WageIndicator Salary Survey


The WageIndicator Salary Survey is aims to measure salaries around the world, using a continuous, multi-country, multilingual web survey for individuals with questions about wages, working hours, working conditions and occupations.

Data used for...

Countries covered

140+ countries


Survey is available in all national languages, used in WageIndicator websites

Data collection method

Web survey, WageIndicator Salary Check, data from face-to-face surveys and from third parties

Data time frame

2000 - ongoing

Data updating policy

Annual datasets

Sampling Frame

Recruitment via national WageIndicator websites and via external media

Nr. of Observations

Over 1 million survey intakes

Additional Information


Web owners can include the Salary Check in their own website:

  • One country, one language, WageIndicator style: € 4,000 per year;
  • One country, one language, white label: € 5,000 per year;
  • Global, any language, WageIndicator style: € 23,000 per year;
  • Global, any language, white label: € 25,000 per year.
