Living Wages and Cost of Living - Data Collection Overview

 General Database Information

Full name

WageIndicator Living Wage Database


The WageIndicator Cost of Living survey aims to collect data about prices of food items, as well as the cost of housing, transport, education, household expenditures, healthcare costs, phone and internet costs as well as occupational costs.

Data used for...

Calculating Living Wages

Countries covered


The Cost-of-Living Survey is avalable in the national language and posted on all national WageIndicator webstes.

Data collection method

Data collection in shops and markets, through face-to-face interviews, in webshops and third party sources.

Data time frame

2014 - ongoing

Data updating policy


Sampling Frame

Cheapest shops and markets

Nr. of Observations

Over 6 million prices

Data Access

Data archive

DOI code


Data visuals

WageIndicator Data Visuals



Long list variables





Osse P., Guzi M., Ceccon D., WageIndicator Living Wage Database, WageIndicator Foundation.


  • Guzi, M., Kabina, T., Tijdens, K.G. (2016). Living Wages in Cambodia. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Guzi, M., Kabina, T., Tijdens, K.G. (2016). Living Wages in Indonesia. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Guzi, M., Kabina, T., Tijdens, K.G. (2016). Living Wages in Niger. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Guzi, M., Kabina, T., Tijdens, K.G. (2016). Salaire décent au Niger. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation. (FR)
  • Guzi, M., Kabina, T., & Tijdens, K.G. (2016). Living Wages in Nigeria – Lagos State. Amsterdam, WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Guzi, M., Kahanec, M,. & Kabina, T. (2016) Codebook of the WageIndicator Cost of Living Survey. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Bangladesh. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Cambodia. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of China. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of India. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Indonesia. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Myanmar. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Pakistan. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Sri Lanka. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M. (2016). Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia - the case of Vietnam. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN)
  • Van Klaveren, M., & Tijdens, K.G. (2016). Leefbaar loon in Azie. Zeggenschap, 27(2), p 39. (NL)
