Van Klaveren, M, & Tijdens, K.G. (2018). Codebook WageIndicator Garment Supply Chain Database 2018. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam.

Van Klaveren, M, & Tijdens, K.G. (2018). Codebook WageIndicator Garment Supply Chain Database 2018. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam.

Access the full Codebook here: 


This document contains the variable and value information of the 2018 WageIndicator Garment Supply Chain Database 2018. The report about the database is free downloadable and is called Van Klaveren, M., & Tijdens, K.G. (2018). Mapping the Global Garment Supply Chain. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam.

The database is available on request. Please refer to the database as “Van Klaveren, M., & Tijdens, K.G. (2018). WageIndicator Garment Supply Chain Database 2018. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam.

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