WageIndicator Foundation, FLAME University and Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (2023). Papers for Papers for the 8th Regulating for Decent Work (RDW) Conference. Amsterdam, Pune, İzmir.

WageIndicator Foundation (2023). Papers for the 8th Regulating for Decent Work (RDW) Conference

During the 8th Regulating for Decent Work (RDW) Conference organised by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), many researchers and associates of WageIndicator presented papers, and hosted a session on WageIndicator's Collective Agreement Database. The event took place in Geneva from Monday 10th of July to Wednesday 12th of July 2023.

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Ceccon, D., & Medas, G. (2023). Explaining the Global WageIndicator Collective Agreements Database. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam.

The CBA-Database was established in 2012 and, related to a range of projects, a growing number of CBAs has been added, of which approximately half come from European countries. Each agreement is collected, coded and analyzed according to a coding scheme with twelve macro topics with related sub-questions, resulting in around eight hundred variables. Almost all CBAs are published online in the WageIndicator national websites, all in the national language and accessible for free by all users, who can browse CBAs online, select the clauses and topics of their interest and use the CBA comparison tool, which provides a unique opportunity to closely examine the variation across agreements and countries. More than 900 CBAs of this database are used to identify what share of the workers who are earning under 105% of the statutory minimum wage (or an imputed minimum wage for countries without minimum wages) are covered by sectoral or enterprise collective bargaining in 9 European countries.

Pralitasari, N., Feby, D., & Hamid, L. (2023). Collective Bargaining After Labour Law Reform in Indonesia: An Analysis on the WageIndicator Collective Agreement Database. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam; Gajimu.com, Jakarta.

Late 2020, Indonesia passed the Omnibus Law–Job Creation Law No.11, followed by its derivative regulations in 2021 aiming to stimulate foreign investment and a more flexible labour market. The CBA-Database holds 239 collective agreements from Indonesia, of which 163 from textile, garment, and leather. All CBAs minus 2 are signed by a single employer or company, of which 28 are multinational enterprises. In terms of wages, structural wage increases are more often agreed in the textile, garment and leather industry than in the remaining industries (88% versus 77%). Out of those 163 CBAs, 4 companies were found with one CBA negotiated before the Omnibus Law was implemented and one after. In all four CBAs the provisions deteriorated, specifically on severance pay, while 3 out of 4 CBAs stated increasing maximum overtime hours from 14 to 18 hours/week. An improvement in wage clauses is seen in 3 CBAs that regulate pay scales for those working one year or longer.

Korde, R., & Gandhi, M. (2023). Female friendly clauses in collective bargaining agreements. WageIndicator Foundation, Amsterdam; FLAME University, Pune.

Women account for almost 50% of the global workforce. However, the Female Labour Force Participation varies across countries. Do countries with higher Female Labour Force Participation rates address gender equality and work/family balancing issues better through their CBAs? Or is it only the female dominated industries that have a higher percentage of female friendly clauses in their CBAs? Cross-Continental (Asia, Europe, Africa, Central and South America) analysis shows that almost eight in ten CBAs include clauses on work/family arrangements and four in ten do so on gender equality. With 30 weeks of maternity leave, CBAs in Croatia have the longest leave, whereas Mozambique has on average only 8.5 weeks. Other gender equality and work/family balancing clauses include health and safety, paternity leave, parental leave, and breastfeeding and childcare. More than 2000 agreements are analysed using 11 gender equality and 24 work/family balancing clauses to provide a comparative view of the female friendly CBAs across continents.

Güler, C. (2023). Understanding Collective Bargaining Agreements in Turkey. Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir.

Collective bargaining in Turkey is subject to two different regimes, namely the public and private sector. Public sector CBAs are concluded at the national level to cover all sectors, especially regardıng wages and social rights. Additionally, CBAs are concluded at the national level for 11 different service branches. In the private sector, trade unions are organized at sector level and CBAs are concluded at the workplace and enterprise level. The CBA-Database has 68 CBAs for Turkey of which 25 were concluded by public servants' trade unions and 43 by the workers trade unions. It should also be noted that 13 of the relevant CBAs were concluded after the May 2020 period and are the renewed versions of the old CBAs in the CBA-Database. This situation has a very important place in terms of evaluating the reflection of the corona period on CBAs. Thus, the strengths and weaknesses of the collective bargaining system in Turkey will be made visible.

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