Cetrulo, A. (2023). Collective Bargaining in Italy during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Evidence from a Negotiator Survey. University of Amsterdam, Central European Labour Studies Institute, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, WageIndicator Foundation.

Cetrulo, A. (2023). Collective Bargaining in Italy during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Evidence from a Negotiator Survey. University of Amsterdam, Central European Labour Studies Institute, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, WageIndicator Foundation.

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The goal of this report is to present the main results of the Barcovid Negotiator Survey with a focus on Italian social actors and their perception of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on industrial relations at the national and sectoral level. The survey has been developed within the BARCOVID project to assess the point of view of national social actors on collective bargaining and industrial relations during the pandemic, looking – among other things - at the possible changes in the process of renewal of CBAs expired just before or at the beginning of the pandemic. As illustrated in Jansen et al. (2023), the survey was conducted among employers and trade unions that were negotiators and signatories of expired collective bargaining agreements in 5 countries (Austria, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain and France). The online questionnaire was created using Qualtrics and the fieldwork was conducted
between January and March 2023.

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