Highlights of WageIndicator Living and Working in Coronavirus Times Survey: Health Workers, Personal Care Workers, Cleaners and Food Processors Report Having Covid-19 More Often - August 11, 2020

Health Workers, Personal Care Workers, Cleaners and Food Processors Report Having Covid-19 More Often

Report in PDF File

All over the world there are specific occupations who suffer more than others. Especially health workers, personal care workers, cleaners and workers in food processing report on having been infected with the coronavirus, more often than the average working population.

This picture emerges from the Working and Living in Corona Times Survey, which is online since March 23. Thus far, up to 10 August, 25,000 respondents from 70 countries have participated.

Quote of the day, Occupational health and safety officer , female, 57, Brazil

Não está fácil. Preocupação com o que vai ser o amanhã. Comigo e com os meus. E tb com o mundo.

It is not easy. I am concerned about what tomorrow will look like, in regards to me and those who are close to me. And regarding the world.

What will the new work/life ‘normal’ become?

The Work Life Survey in Corona Times shows the impact people from across the globe expect the corona crisis will have on their working life. Regularly special issues like countries, continents, occupations, happiness, fear, small house or having a dog are highlighted on these pages.

Its global outreach allows WageIndicator to present findings for many countries. Daily updated national survey results may be consulted here:


It is the intention to continue the survey for a long time, well into the aftermath of the present crisis. What will the new work/life ‘normal’ become?

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Report in PDF File

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