Highlights of WageIndicator Living and Working in Coronavirus Times Survey : Among health care professionals, women above 30 are the most vulnerable - June 21, 2020

Among health care professionals, women above 30 are the most vulnerable.

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Professionals in the health care sector on all continents report being infected by the COVID-19 virus above average. Other occupational groups who bear the brunt of the corona pandemic are found in teaching, retail, food preparation and personal care. Within these professional groups it is women above the age of 30 who appear to be hit more frequently than men, as well as their professional peers below the age of 30.:

These findings are based on the Living and Working in Corona Times survey of WageIndicator, online from March 23. Since then 24.000 respondents worldwide participated in this ongoing research. Its aim is to discern labour market trends as a consequence of the corona pandemic on the global economy. It should be noted that indications are tentative.

Quote of the day, sales department manager, female, 53, Mexico

Mi hija se quedó sin trabajo, yo estoy con 80% de sueldo y obviamente sin comisiones, mi pareja no tiene trabajo, falleció un familiar, un compañero y un amigo por el virus además de algunos conocidos en verdad me siento muy abrumada por la incertidumbre de que mi empresa llegue a cerrar.

English : My daughter was out of a job, I am with 80% salary and obviously without commissions, my partner does not have a job, a family member, a colleague and a friend died from the virus, in addition to some acquaintances, I really feel very overwhelmed by the uncertainty that my company will close.

What will the new work/life ‘normal’ become?

The Work Life Survey in Corona Times shows the impact people from across the globe expect the corona crisis will have on their working life. Regularly special issues like countries, continents, occupations, happiness, fear, small hous or having a dog are highlighted on these pages.

Its global outreach allows WageIndicator to present findings for many countries. Daily updated national survey results may be consulted here:


It is the intention to continue the survey for a long time, well into the aftermath of the present crisis. What will the new work/life ‘normal’ become?

More about the project


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