Launching the Living Tariff Tool in Pakistan: Navigating Fair Compensation in Platform Economy - 16 February, 2024

Launching WageIndicator & GIZ's Living Tariff tool in Pakistan to help gig workers earn fair remuneration

Launching WageIndicator & GIZ's Living Tariff tool in Pakistan to help gig workers earn fair remunerationDate: Friday, 16th Feb,

Time: 3 - 4:30 PM Pakistan Time (11 AM CET)

Watch the recording of the webinar below

About the webinar

The gig economy has undergone substantial evolution, ushering in new opportunities through freelance and independent work. While this flexibility opens doors to fresh possibilities, it concurrently poses challenges in ensuring fairness and safeguarding workers' rights, particularly concerning wages. Our upcoming webinar serves as the launchpad for the "Living Tariff Tool," an innovative initiative aimed at addressing these challenges within the expanding gig workforce in Pakistan.

In this dynamic landscape, gig workers often find themselves deprived of transparency in wage structures and compensation systems. Our webinar aims not only to introduce the Living Tariff Tool but also to shed light on the critical issue of transparency, providing a solution-oriented approach to ensure equitable treatment for these independent workers.

Within the webinar, experts will delve into the capabilities of the tool, offering practical guidance on its application to champion fair pay standards. A panel discussion will spotlight the specific hurdles faced by gig workers in Pakistan, emphasizing how the tool can be a supportive force for their rights. As we showcase the tool's intricacies, instructions, and its envisioned role in the country, our aim is to reshape discussions regarding the protection of these workers' livelihoods within this evolving labour landscape.

Note: The webinar is open to all stakeholders interested in the gig economy, including workers, policymakers, academics, and industry representatives. We look forward to your active participation in this insightful discussion on reshaping the future of gig work through fair tariffs and advocacy.


Introduction (30 minutes):


Welcome and Opening remark: Iftikhar Ahmad - Founder Centre for Labour Research and Labour Law expert. 

1691490454115.jpeg Presentation and FAQs: Ambreen Riaz - Research Associate at the Centre for Labour Research. The presentation will address frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the Living Tariff Tool, providing insightful information and clarifications to ensure a thorough understanding of the tool's functionality and its implications.
  Tool Demonstration: Razan Ayesha - Research Associate at the Centre for Labour Research. She will show a live demonstration of the Living Tariff Tool, offering a hands-on showcase of its features, functionalities, and practical applications.


Panel Discussion (55 minutes):

The panel discussion for the webinar titled  "Empowering Workers Through Fair Tariffs and Rights Advocacy in the Gig Landscape" will gather experts to explore worker advocacy complexities in the gig economy. Focused on the challenges faced by gig workers in Pakistan, the discussion will highlight the potential role of the Living Tariff Tool for positive change.

  Moderator: Tasmeena Tahir is a Research Associate at the Centre for Labour Research.
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.36.21 PM.png Panelist: Asad Menon is the General Secretary of the Pakistan Workers Federation-Sindh, bringing specialised expertise in Labour Laws to his role. He is also the Founder of the Global Union of Platform Workers. As an esteemed alumnus of Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa, he has cultivated a rich academic background to complement his impactful contributions to the field.
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.37.44 PM.png Panelist: Syed Nazar Ali is the Secretary General of the Employers Federation of Pakistan. He is also the chief executive of the Skill Development Council. He is also the Director of Global Compact Network, Pakistan. Syed Nazar Ali has over 39 years of expertise in institution building, Policy Development and Consultancy services in Technical Vocational Educational and Training (TVET). He has a distinguished career of working in Government and with international organisations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) as a National Expert and in Skill Development Council Karachi as a Chief Executive Officer, along with many other portfolios.
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.38.55 PM.png Panelist: Tania Luni holds a Master’s degree in Development Economics from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an MPhil in Economics from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. With 14 years of experience in development and teaching, her expertise lies in research on global Economic Analysis, Applied Econometrics, and Data Economy. Her research focus extends to environmental quality, Human Capital and Urbanization.
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.41.45 PM.png Panelist: Muhammad Shahnil is a full-time freelancer for the past five years expertise in delivering high-quality services in the dynamic tech industry. Transitioning from freelancing to entrepreneurship, he is now the founder of ShnairTech, on a mission to redefine technology possibilities by seamlessly blending freelancing with entrepreneurial vision.
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.42.53 PM.png Panelist: Sehrish Irfan presently serves as the Assistant Manager at the Institute of Public Opinion and Research (IPOR), bringing over four years of research experience to her role. She recently earned her MPhil Public Policy degree from Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), with her dissertation centred on the landscape of Online Gig Workers in Pakistan. Notably, she holds a keen interest in labour rights and aspires to contribute significantly to the field of the gig economy.
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.43.51 PM.png Panelist: Raja Faiz Ul Hassan Faiz is a Labour Law Expert. Formerly, he worked with Employees’ Old-age Benefits Institution. He served as Central Labour Advisor in the Ministry of Labour and Manpower for a decade from 2002 onwards. He drafted the Labour Policy 2010 and has been involved in drafting labour legislation for decades. 


Closing Remarks (10 minutes)

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