Story 8 - Yaamini - WageIndicator Intern - India

How has the lockdown and the pandemic been treating you?

Overall, it has been a journey of ups and downs for me. However, in the event of the lockdown, the silver lining for me was that I finally had time. I was looking forward to having time- to focus on the things that made me happy, my creative endeavours, and to re-evaluate my career choices. I was able to really focus on myself and my future, which was refreshing.

Have you learnt something about the world during this trying time?

The biggest thing I have learnt is that your choices and actions will have larger consequences than you intended, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic. I also feel like we tend to get too comfortable and situations like these tell us how important it is to be able to adapt to unpredictability in life. 

On a more global sense, I feel the pandemic has brought out the underlying cracks in most governments all over the world and the failure to make these stronger. There is now a consolidated effort to make a change all over the world, be it social, economic, political or environmental. It’s quite heartening to see that!

Along with the pandemic, you had also encountered a cyclone. How has that experience been?

On 3rdJune, we had the cyclone Nisarga hit Navi Mumbai. Since we had a recent fire that burnt all electrical connections in our apartment building, we were quite badly affected. We had no electricity and no time to prepare for the cyclone. The cyclone was a literal force to witness. To see the terrifyingly beautiful power of the cyclone- the destructive wind toppling everything from our balcony, was an unforgettable experience. It seemed that while trees bent to the ground, all you could do was stare. , It was arguably one of the most difficult times during this pandemic. However, it put a pause on work, and on our lives as a whole.

There were beautiful moments in those days: the candlelight dinners, and conversation in the dark. I cannot imagine what other people with much worse living conditions would have gone through.

What are your hopes and expectations for the coming year?

As for the world, I optimistically see us recovering and moving on, but realistically, we must just be picking up the pieces for the next few years. What’s for sure, is that this long term crisis will affect most those that aren’t as fortunate as I have been, only increasing the wealth disparity.On a personal note, I want to learn, more, more and more! I also hope to finally put my writing out in the world and be published soon.

"It's important to adapt to the unpredictable world!"


Life in Navi Mumbai
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Meet Yaamini Making The Best of A Hard Time

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