Story 4 - Vidushi - WageIndicator Intern - India

How have you been doing?

To be honest, it has gone fairly well. But there can be some times where it can get really annoying that you cannot leave home. But I have kept busy because of the internship and the online courses I’ve been doing.

What does a "normal day" look like for you?

Throughout the day I have a few things I have to do. Due to the pandemic our maid can’t come so I clean the utensils, that is my job. I also work out every day. I have to cook sometimes. I have to finish my tasks for the internship. So in that sense, I have a routine. In terms of self-care, sometimes early in the morning I cycle or do yoga. I bake, help my Mom in the kitchen, play games with my family, and watch TV.

Do you think you're doing things differently as compared to four months ago?

I think I have become more focused - and I look for work, which wasn’t the case earlier. Nowadays, I am like “give me some more work” because I am so tired of sitting on the sofa and just warming up the seat all day long! I don't think this would have happened if not for the pandemic.

Do you feel your vision for life has changed?

My vision has changed in a good way. Alongside the pandemic there’ve been a lot of social issues that have brought people together, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, with George Floyd’s case. People are finding reasons to be together, and build communities, and fight this together.

What are your hopes and expectations for the coming year?

My only hope right now is for this corona to vanish. I just hope it’s not as hard in the next year. I know once we get back to campus, everyone is going to be so scared of meeting, touching, playing etc. I hope everything goes back to normal soon. I hope that my plan to go to Chandigarh can actually happen sometime soon!

"Eventhough things are hard, people are finding ways to go through this together."


Life in Mumbai
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Meet Vidushi Experimenting With Cooking in Lockdown

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