Story 3 - Niels - WageIndicator Team - News and Social Media Manager - The Netherlands

How has your work and lifestyle changed during this pandemic?

For me the largest change has been that I am not travelling by train as much anymore. I’m quite limited with where I can go right now. For my work, it has not influenced it that much as I was already working from home like many people from WageIndicator. Socially, I was playing volleyball every week and going out for drinks with my friends and I have not been able to do that. I bought a home trainer so I do that a lot - I watch TV when I am cycling for an hour, usually every two days.

Working from home

It has been a bit of an adjustment. I have been living here since October, with my girlfriend. If I had been living on my own, I may have gone to my parents as living alone could have been quite lonely. My girlfriend also was working from home during the pandemic - I am quite used to it, but she was not. We don’t have a very big house, so we decided to set up a table in the bedroom and I work there and she worked downstairs. She just started going back to her physical office so I have moved back downstairs.

Have you learnt something about yourself?

I’ve adapted quite well I think. I was always working from home but now I am communicating more with my colleagues, and I really like that. Every week I speak with Karen and my other colleagues, and some of the interns. Even remotely, we have all gotten so much closer. I’ve discovered I’m more social than I thought!

Birthday in the pandemic.

For my birthday, we would go across the border to Germany, but since we could not do that, we got some fancy dinner takeaway. A few friends came over and delivered cake. My parents also visited – we all sat outside the house and ate cake. That was nice!

What is something that keeps you going?

People all over the world are dealing with the pandemic. It's interesting to see how we are all together. It has made my work more meaningful as I can really see the impact. The big picture seems to be clearer to me. It’s a global common experience. If I can provide information and help workers, it makes me happy.

"We're all in this together!"


Life in Utrecht, Exploring The City
niels-face-ED niels-cake-ED
Meet Niels Birthday in The Pandemic

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