Story 1 - Paulien - Director, WageIndicator - The Netherlands

How has your work and lifestyle changed during this pandemic?

What is crucial with WI is that we work all over, anytime, anywhere. Remote working for us is very normal. What I have done from the beginning of the pandemic is to talk with the team, saying that if it comes to finances, as far as we can see, don’t worry. There is security and there is safety. The next thing we did was have meetings every Friday with everybody, especially for those who were alone or locked down, for support and to make sure we are all safe and together.

Working collectively

We started in the third week of March with the Coronavirus survey. We really picked it up and have been working hard at it. It kept us occupied. When a team works together and does a nice job together, you feel good. I also know that as soon as people around you are dying, it’s a different story. Dani (in Italy) had people close by who were sick and dying. That’s a different situation. Then it hits home quite hard.

How do you take a break?

At home, we spend a lot of time in the garden. I do a lot of photography, including fashion photography. We also meet friends on the streets as they are now empty. We sail. Or I fall asleep!

"Taking care of yourself and others – how does this work?

I have a family, my husband and two children. In the family we do the same, we look out for each other. and It’s the same with work. In the Netherlands we have not been fully locked down. I live a bit outside of Amsterdam and there are a lot of forests and pastures, so we have walked a lot. We also sail on the lake. We’ve been bringing flowers to people who have been alone. It felt important for us to take care of people alone in smaller houses or more complex situations. In that sense, I felt much more care for the family and for the team than for myself.We always had a sense of community at WI, but times like these are very frightening and so you emphasise this more. Whether you’re a mother or the director of a team, you have to be there for your people and do it.

Learnings and wishes

As long as there are nice people around you, you can do anything. I want my family to stay alive, and my team to stay alive, that is crucial. I want is to continue making a living. One of the major lessons is less travelling and less polluting. We must unite and stay together. Don’t do it on your own.

"As long as there are nice and kind people with you, you can do anything!"


Life in Bussum, The Green House
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Meet Paulien Meeting Loved Ones

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