15 Years of WageIndicator

15 Years of WageIndicator. Wageindicator Foundation, Amsterdam.

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R e s u l t s . That is what we can proudly present after 15 years of hard work. Some of the contributors to this WageIndicator Conference Reader have been part of our rollercoaster ride right from the beginning. They will confirm that we were not sure of the outcome. We did not even know the direction our 2-women initiative from the last days of the last millennium would take. We, Kea Tijdens and my person, certainly had no  idea that today we would be overlooking  a global playing field of our own making. Nor did we expect the tremendous support by so many from so many different cultures and walks of life.

Yet, here we are. As you will leaf through this WageIndicator Conference Reader, you will find that each and every contribution speaks of commitment. All pieced together convey a broad picture of maturity and freshness. The old stem still produces new offshoots. The core is alive! What is this core?

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