10 Gender Pay Gap Clauses in Collective Agreements - WITA GPG - August 2015

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Collective bargaining is one of the most important trade union tools to reach fair pay. Paradoxically the economic crisis of 2008 enforced trade unions to bargain for equality and collective agreements served to  reduce  pay inequalities.
Despite  of  the  importance  of  collective  bargaining  to  deal  with inequalities, there are difficulties like “women  tend  to  be  less  involved  and  represented,  therefore their needs and specific pay issues are “routinely ignored”.

So, the equal representation of women in collective  bargaining  teams  and  decision-making processes  is  important too.
Further, collective agreements need to be systematically checked for their gender impact. Not only  the  collective  agreements  but also  other  measures  taken  by  social  partners  at  different  level could  serve  to  reduce  gender  pay  gap(GPG).  Such  measures  are  the  gender  equality  plans  (at company or sectoral level) including also the topic of equal pay.  Here we have 10 good practices in concern of the above measures.

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