Summary Annual Report 2015

Summary Annual report

In 2015, WageIndicator again expanded its operations and simultaneously reduced expenses.


Growth is reflected in the number of participating countries, which went up from 80 to 84 (including the 3 Baltic states and Turkey); in the use of its information, as shown by visits, up 22% from 25.5 million to 31.2 million globally; the number of databases offered by national websites steadily rising. All 84 countries have salary indications, and minimum wage databases. Just a few years after its introduction, 56 countries now have living wage data on offer. And only two years after the start of Collective Agreement databases, these are now present in 29 countries.


Based on its internally linked and internationally comparable databases, WageIndicator now provides employees and employers all different wage and remuneration types as Wages in Context: real wages that reflect the actual labor market value of particular occupations in particular sectors per country, poverty lines, statutory Minimum Wages, living wages, actual wages, VIP‐incomes. The ultimate aim is to outfit all national websites with Wages in Context, as well as a Collective Agreement database and a national labor law database.


This year also saw many activities promoting and applying the information. In debates, trainings and social dialogues our data was put to effective use to enable better-informed and thus more constructive negotiations between social partners. Our bespoke research has resulted in better insights on wages and work conditions: on gender pay gaps, skills of migrant workers, and job-related informality.


All these activities have been executed with a budget that was 19% lower than in 2014, i.e. down to € 1.13 million from € 1.41 million in the previous year. Income and expenses under grants/funds showed a decrease of 32%, which reflected the trend of reduced project funding. The number of projects (17 in 2015) was steady, but grants per project decreased. This was partly compensated for by the increase from sales of ad space, partner fees and research reports.


Doing more with less money has been achieved by automation across the board on a global scale: most significantly the global move to a database driven operation of all websites, and also the implementation of a virtual, i.e. truly paperless, management and audit system. Even as the national and international team remained stable at around 100 strong, automation has allowed us and will continue to allow us to continue on the current path of more data being used by more workers, trade unions and employers in more countries across the globe. 

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