DFL-WageIndicator Report Domestic workers 2011

This report discusses wages and work of domestic workers in the 12 countries of the Decision for Life project

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Tijdens K.G., Van Klaveren M. (2011) Domestic workers, their wages and work in 12 countries. Amsterdam, Netherlands: WageIndicator Data Report October 2011. (EN)


This report discusses wages and work of domestic workers in the 12 countries of the Decision for Life project (http://dfl.wageindicator.org/home), coordinated by ITUC. These countries are Angola, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, South Africa, Ukraine, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Section 2 details the definition of domestic workers. Section 3 gives more insight in the employment of domestic workers. Using data of the WageIndicator web-survey, section 4 provides details about their socio-demographic characteristics, such as household composition, age and education. Section 5 describes remuneration of domestic workers.

Section 6 explores their working hours, focusing on the length of the working week and on shift and irregular work.

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