Income Gap Starters

Executive summary
According to data gathered by Wage Indicator websites, labour starters – those who are beginning their careers as wage earners - earn twice or three times more in de- veloped countries than in emerging nations. It is found that there is a high growth in income during the first half of their working career, which then flattens (or even decreases in some cases). It is also found that the economic reward derived from hav- ing a tertiary or university degree grows throughout working life, and that living in a big city and earning high wages are linked because of the concentration of wealth around metropolitan areas. Finally, there is a positive relation between income and satisfaction in life as-a-whole.

Beker, V.A., Perinelli, B. (2010). Income gap starters. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation. (EN) (pdf, 970 kB)


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