1 September 2017. Wages in Global Perspective - University of Amsterdam/AIAS - Yearly Conference - Amsterdam - Program & Contributions

Wages in global PersPective
Monitoring Wages WorldWide through Wageindicator
Friday 1 September 2017
Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam

See all presentations, video's and pictures below and here.

This year the Yearly Conference of AIAS is entitled ‘Wages in Global Perspective’, referring to the achievement and potential of a global
data tool with which AIAS is closely connected, that is, the WageIndicator. This Internet-based tool of comparing and sharing wages
resulted from a joint initiative of WageIndicator Foundation director Paulien Osse and AIAS research coordinator Kea Tijdens back in
1999. Over the years, AIAS has played its role in the Foundation’s Supervisory Board.
Currently, WageIndicator has websites in 92 countries, and in 2016 nearly 40 million unique visitors consulted these websites.
The sites present detailed information on various kinds of wages and salaries, putting them in their national context: real wages,
bargained wages, minimum wages, living or decent wages. The response of the thousands of visitors flling out the related, continuous
WageIndicator web survey allows a massive amount of analyses of the connection between wages on the one hand and personal
and structural characteristics on the other, such as union membership, industry, occupations, skills, migration patterns, and much
more. Such analyses have already resulted in over 450 books, reports and journal articles. At the conference a range of researchers
will present outcomes of WageIndicator-based research. Improving the representativeness of a voluntary web survey like that of
WageIndicator represents a challenge in itself, and presentations will also deal with this issue.
Finally, a forum of internationally reputed researchers will question ‘What’s next for WageIndicator-based Research?’, focusing on
research perspectives and challenges. During the conference techniques will be used as to optimize audience participation, such that
presenters and forum members can consider questions and remarks from the audience at an early stage.
The 2017 AIAS conference will in particular be of interest for graduates and students in the social sciences, in particular in labour
economics, sociology of labour markets and labour relations, organisation studies, international law, international strategy, and
political science. be English. The conference will take place at KIT / Meetings & Events, Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam.
ages in Global Perspective
Monitoring Wages Worldwide through WageIndicator

Programme Chair Paulien Osse (director WageIndicator Foundation)

Morning programme
09:30 hrs Registration

10:00 hrs. Opening by  Maarten Keune

10:15 hrs. Wages in Global Perspective Maarten van Klaveren (researcher AIAS) Presentation in PDF: Wages in Global Perspective

10:30 hrs The WageIndicator and AIAS research Paulien Osse (director WageIndicator). Video: The Principles of WageIndicator
Kea Tijdens (researcher AIAS) Presentation in PDF: WageIndicator for worldwide data-collection and research

11:15 hrs. Break

11:45 hrs. Minimum wages in India and worldwide
Biju Varkkey (professor Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad) Presentation in PDF: Minimum Wage in India, and role of WageIndicator Foundation
Kea Tijdens (researcher AIAS) Presentation in PDF: Minimum wages worldwide

12:15 hrs. Wages and collective bargaining
Nadia Pralitasari (WageIndicator Indonesia office) Presentation in PDF: Enabling apparel workers and employers to check, debate, negotiate and publish wages and working conditions online
Daniela Ceccon (data manager WageIndicator) Presentation in PDF: The WageIndicator Collective Agreements Database

12:45 hrs. Lunch
After lunch programme

13:45 hrs. Living Wages worldwide and Asia
Martin Guzi (Masaryk Uni Brno / CELSI Bratislava) PP Presentation in PDF: Estimating Living Wage Globally
Maarten van Klaveren (researcher AIAS) PP Presentation in PDF: Living Wages in Asia

14:15 hrs. Occupations, skills and wages
Martin Kahanec (professor Central European University, Budapest / CELSI Bratislava) Presentation in PDF: Tackling barriers to youth employment in Hungary
Stefano Visintin (professor Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid) Presentation in PDF: Analyzing tasks and wages

14:45 hrs. Creative but solid use of WageIndicator data
Stephanie Steinmetz (researcher University of Amsterdam) Presentation in PDF: DOES MIGRATION “PAY OFF” FOR FOREIGN-BORN HEALTH WORKER MIGRANTS
Pablo De Pedraza (JRC, Ispra, European Commission and former EDUWORKS fellow) Presentation in PDF: Life satisfaction of employed, labour market tightness and matching efficiency

15:30 hrs. Break

16:00 hrs. Forum: What’s Next for WageIndicator-based Research?
Klaus F. Zimmermann (professor Bonn University; Global Labor Organization (GLO) and UNU-MERIT);
Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente (professor Universidad de Salamanca); Biju Varkkey; Martin Kahanec;
Kea Tijdens; Paul de Beer. Report of the debate

17:00 hrs. Conclusion

17:10 hrs. Reception

18:30 hrs. End of conference

Pictures - By Jan Reinier

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