Web poll: majority wants education to fight crisis - 27 Jan 2010

Jan 26, 2010 - An overwhelming majority of the close to 2,000 votes in the WageIndicator web poll voted this month in favor of more education for those over 35-year old as a measure to fight the economic crisis.

An overwhelming majority of the close to 2,000 votes in the WageIndicator web poll voted this month in favor of more education for those over 35-year old as a measure to fight the economic crisis. 

In all countries more than 50 percent saw in education as a good additional tool to deal with dropping employment rates.

But there are huge differences in those majorities. India and Brazil topped with respectively 95 percent and 91 percent of the voters in favor of more education. 

Also Argentine, Kazakhstan and Mexico saw majorities in the high eighties. 

Remarkably low were the majorities in the Netherlands (57 percent) and Belarus (52 percent).

Our next poll is on minimum wages and we expect a tidbit more excitement here, given the heavy-handed debates on the issue in many countries. The question is, should be minimum wages in your country go up, down or be frozen? You can vote at the voting interface at your left hand.



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