Salary comparison: Düsseldorf best for MBA's in continental Europe - 31 March 2010

Mar 31, 2010 - Duesseldorf offers best salaries in Germany for MBA's, with Muenchen as second. German based MBA's do worldwide also well, with only the UK and USA earning a higher income on average.

MBA's, Masters of Business Administration, earn a monthly average 4,579 euro gross in Düsseldorf, our German partners of Lohnspiegel discovered in a comparison of MBA salaries in 7 German cities. München was second. Hamburg was lowest among those 7 with an average of 3,812 euro gross per month.

Internationally, Düsseldorf is also doing well, although average MBA salaries in the UK and the US tend to be higher. The survey was held among more than 3,000 MBA's. 

MBA compensations are among the most debated salaries on the internet, as business schools are eager to prove to their potential masters of business administration that their degree is giving a fast return on investment. 

Also financial media like the Financial Times and BusinessWeek give annual rankings of the salaries of alumni's per school. The more prestigious business schools not only ask two years of your life, but also an investment of more than 100,000 euro. 

Not only the city has an influence on the average salary, also the industry. MBA's in the banking industry earn a monthly average of 4,713 euro, Lohnspiegel found. MBA's in the former East Germany and women also tend to earn less. 

A comparison of the German results with shows that their monthly average for MBA's in Germany is slightly higher with 5,025 euro, probably because they focus on the high-earning MBA's from US schools, working for international companies, while the Lohnspiegel has a broader scope, including also MBA'ers from German business schools and working for German companies. 

In this comparison Germany is on the same level as the Netherlands(4,400 euro), although lower than the UK (6,700 euro) and the US and Canada (5,800 euro). Lowest earners were the MBA's in Greece with a monthly average of 2,266 euro. Averages in Asia and Latin America were around 3,391 euro. China was above the Asian average with 3,825 euro. China used to be a no-go area for returning MBA's, because of its low compensation, but now apparently has become competitive within Asia.

Earlier salary comparisons we made for other occupations like
telecom engineers, security guards, database administrators, PR-managers,  lawyers, economists, nurses, truck drivers and HR-managers.The press release in English of our German partners can be found here.

What are you earning? Have you done an MBA and do you want to improve our data on your and your colleagues salary? Do go to the WageIndicator of your country and fill in our questionnaire.   


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