Kazakh, Ukraine website spike after launch - September 1, 2009


How much does he earn? A Ukrainian peace keeper via Wikipedia



The WageIndicator in the Ukraine, Mojazarplata.ua/ua, and Kazakhstan, Mojazarplata.kz, have been launched on August 27, only hours before Guatamala got also its own national site and an additional site for women' salaries. From the press release on the Ukraine launch:

The site can find articles about salary and career, news of labor legislation, useful information on employment, interviews with successful people. Particular attention is paid to women's career, equal rights, a combination of work and personal life.
"In addition, users can pass anti-crisis test and see how well they cope with the crisis - says Oksana Zavoiko, web project manager in Ukraine. - In the VIP-profits can learn how many earn well-known people. It will soon be running a test ' Negotiations with the employer, "through which you can check how much you know your rights and whether you are able to defend them in the negotiations."

On the Kazakh launch

In addition to this website Mojazarplata.kz can find a lot of other useful information about the minimum wage in the country, trends in work and wages, labor rights of citizens and VIP-income persons. To create exciting interactive quizzes and games to help you think about the impact on the future success of our current actions. And in unison with the general idea of creating a project «Solutions for life", which aims - to help modern women to maintain the necessary balance between career and family.

Both sites saw a neat spike in the traffic, as domestic media and bloggers were eager to pick up the launch story, both the Ukraine and Kazakhstan sites jumped repeatedly over one hundred visitors per day, although the Ukraine was clearly the best performer. Challenge for both sites is to keep up the attention and attract more visitors who are willing to fill in the salary survey.

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