Living Wages

Publicly available Living Wage estimates

To garantuee year on year solid Living Wage estimates for 165+ countries, we need support. A group of companies currently supports the publication of WageIndicator's Living Wages estimates as a public good. From May 1st 2024, once you become a WageIndicator client, you automatically support the continuation of our Living Wage database and the availability of public estimates also in the coming years. Support the ongoing data collection by buying data!

WageIndicator in partnership with PwC, Peterson and BSR

WageIndicator and PwC team up. The consultancy leg of PwC resells the Living Wage database to their clients. Meanwhile WageIndicator and PwC work on research related to Living Wages. What is the temperature in the market, and how can implementation be done in a smart way, and what are wise steps for reporting? The latest report from March 2024: Working towards paying a living wage and the first report from November 2023, Living Wage: An Emerging Standard elaborate on these first steps. Meanwhile WageIndicator partners with Peterson Projects & Solutions on implementation of Living Wages, and research on pay structures. BSR, Business for Social Responsibility, is WageIndicator's partner in Living Wage implementation.

Living Wages and SDG's - the linking Pin

In a world where consumers increasingly seek out ethical companies, Living Wage payment also helps corporations fulfil their Environmental, Sustainable, and Governance (ESG) obligations. It is linked to achieving 8 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals; most directly SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and SDG 10 (Reducing Inequality)
